AI Directors
Network of directors of companies in AI transformation

AI Directors is the group of AI-Network that brings together the executives of companies that are in the process of transformation with Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is beginning to transform companies, and it will be a fundamental element for their survival and growth. Faced with this challenge, AI-Network organizes this network of managers who participate directly in this transformation, with the aim of sharing experiences and ideas.
About the Network of directors
about us
Executives leading the transformation
We are a network of executives who lead the transformation of the business of our companies using Artificial Intelligence.
We lead Innovation, Digital Transformation teams, internal data hubs, analytics and AI, or we lead the more Business-oriented part of IT departments such as IT Business Partners or Business Translators.
We are executives of companies in any sector that invest in Artificial Intelligence, but are not consultants or providers of AI technology.
To advance faster and better
So that our companies are more competitive and sustainable with Artificial Intelligence. Leaving no one behind, addressing ethical challenges and contributing to social well-being.
Always learning from the members of the executive network and contributing to it, sharing good practices, use cases and market knowledge.
To know what works in this technological and people transformation, and what does not, refining the vision for the short and long term.
Meetings and events that address specific challenges
Collaboration between network members is channeled mainly through monthly events that address specific topics proposed by members.
These events are small groups oriented exclusively to the members of the network, in which there is usually a presentation by a market leader and a round table that encourages the debate of the attendees.
Networking and collaboration among members is encouraged, both in other AI-Network activities and in external initiatives related to their companies.